How Do You Feel After Yoga? Does It Hurt Or Help You Relax?

One question that our readers ask us a lot is: how do you feel after doing yoga? The answer is unique to each person because yoga is a very personal experience. However, some factors will help you enjoy your yoga class more. Read on.

In today’s era, we are leading a stressful life. Obesity is a significant problem across the world. Yoga is one of the best options for people of all ages to stay physically fit. Yoga also helps you stay mentally fit, increases your endurance, mental strength, focus, and stability.

One question that our readers, especially those new to yoga, always ask is how do you feel after doing yoga? While there is no one answer for this question, majority people report elevated mood and energy levels after performing yoga.

How Do You Feel After Yoga
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How Do You Feel After Yoga?

Some people feel that they are on top of the world after one complete session of yoga, which includes various asanas, Pranayama, and ending the session with Shavasana. In their opinion, their muscles are strengthened, and they feel buoyant. 

Others feel exhausted after trying yoga postures. A few have also reported feeling nauseous after their yoga class. That may be because of numerous reasons. If you are practicing a yoga asanas that don’t suit you, you may feel exhausted or uncomfortable after the yoga class.

In my opinion, a number of factors play a role in how you feel after your yoga practice. We shall discuss these factors here.

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Time And Emotions

Your feelings about yoga can vary depending on the time of the day and your mood or mental state at the time pf performance. For instance, if you are performing yoga at the end of a long and stressful day, the you might not be able to give your best, particularly if the practice is challenging. Similarly, if you are doing yoga on a full stomach, you will feel uncomfortable. It is suggested to have some light healthy snacks at least two hours before yoga practice and a keep a gap of 4 hours between a full meal and your yoga session.  

Again, if you are stressed due to some reason, you might feel distracted and might not be able to give in your best. However, in such cases, I suggest that you still continue with your practice, even if you aren’t able to perform all the asanas perfectly or even stay till the end of the practice. This is because, yoga and meditation are supposed to be stress-relieving, as they increase endorphins and decrease stress-markers in the body.

Types Of Yoga

There are various yoga asanas to keep you fit physically. As the asanas are different, people’s opinions after doing the yoga postures are also different. 

But no matter which asanas you do, your body will release serotonin and dopamine, which will make you feel happy and relaxed. The yoga asanas will reduce your stress by keeping cortisol in check

Let’s discuss some of the types of yoga practices and how one feels after doing them.

How Do You Feel After Yoga
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#1. Vinyasa Yoga

For instance, if I talk about Vinyasa Yoga or flow yoga, you move from one yoga asana directly to the other. You do not hold one posture for a long time. While you can take a short breather after completing a set, in between, you move in quick succession from one asana to the other.

After practicing Vinyasa Yoga, most people observe improved flexibility. Their muscle strength also improves. Typically, if you keep yourself adequately hydrated and take short breathers in between your sets, you are likely to feel good after the practice.

#2. Hot Power Yoga

If I talk about Hot Power Yoga, you need to do intense yoga exercises in a hot environment with a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius and humidity of 40 percent. You will sweat a lot when you do hot power yoga. 

But if you do not drink plenty of water and practice Hot Power Yoga, you will feel tired or have light headaches after the yoga session. Again your heart works harder than normal while doing Hot Yoga. This can also make you feel tired.

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#3. Hatha Yoga

While doing Hatha Yoga, you would need to hold the yoga asanas for some time. Typically, if your set comprises of 3 different yoga asanas, you would be holding each of them for 10 to 15 counts. As you advance your practice, you could hold them for longer as well. Thus Hatha Yoga becomes highly intense depending on the length of the time you hold one yoga pose. 

Hatha yoga helps you focus on specific muscles, improves your strength and stability. It also helps to improve focus and endurance.

You need to be careful of any previous injuries that you might have had while doing Hatha Yoga. Since you hold postures for a longer time in this practice, you might risk aggravating your injuries, particularly any back or neck issues . However, if done with care, Hatha Yoga will make you feel calm yet strong and completely refreshed.

#4. Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal Yoga is meant only for pregnant women. It involves light exercises like neck movements, leg movements, or Butterfly Pose (also known as Baddha Konasana or Titli Asana) while sitting on a yoga mat. 

Most pregnant women feel relaxed, calm, and stress-free after their yoga session. They say that doing yoga in their nine months of their journey helps them stay active and overcome pregnancy-related problems.

For expecting mothers, the feeling after doing yoga can vary from one day to the other. Some may experience discomfort after the yoga session, which is because of changing hormones in a pregnant lady or because of an increase in belly size.

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How Does Yoga Make You Feel When You Attend The First Class?

#1. You would feel every muscle in your body

If you’ve led a sedentary lifestyle, or are picking up yoga after a long break, then after your first class you would feel soreness in every muscle of body! This is because yoga engages your entire body.

Well, you need to practice yoga every day to have a strong and healthy body. But don’t overstrain yourself right in the beginning. Take it slow initially and east into the poses. Try to understand the limit of your body and if there are any postures that are putting extra pressure on you or if there are any particular movements that you would need to work more on. You will also notice that one side of your body is more flexible or stronger than the other. The the initial few days be days of discovering your body rather than competing with others.

So, give time to your body before moving to a strenuous yoga practice. You need to remember that everyone is unique.

#2. You might feel a little weak

You may feel a little weak initially because your body takes some time to adapt to new yoga exercises. It’s pretty natural, and there is no need to worry at all. Your muscles would be stiff if you haven’t done yoga or other forms of fitness before. But once you practice, your body will become flexible and supple.

Every yoga class can be challenging for you because you will learn new yoga postures every day. But don’t be impatient. Give some time to your body and mind. However, if you continue to feel weak or uncomfortable or have any sorts of persistent pain, immediately reach out for medical help.

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#3. Your Love for Shavasana Will Grow

Most of the yoga classes end with a Shavasana, in which you lie down on your mat, relax your body entirely and go into a meditative state for five to seven minutes. After doing some yoga asanas at the start, you may feel tired. So by doing Shavasana, you feel good and relaxed.

#4. You Can Mingle With Others

If your practicing yoga in a classroom, physically, you might meet like minded people. The positive environment of a yoga class will also be conducive in developing social relations with people who are complete strangers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

#1. How does Yoga make you feel?

Yoga can make you feel relaxed and calm. Regular yoga practice not only improves your physical fitness but also strengthens you mentally and makes you calmer over time. Meditation and Pranayama are considered to be great stress relievers.

#2. Why do I feel good after doing Yoga?

Yoga therapy will reduce your blood pressure and relax the blood vessels. The yoga postures will increase blood circulation and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. So you feel good after doing Yoga.

#3. Can Yoga make you feel weird?

Yes, you may feel weird, but that depends on various factors like the amount of sleep you’ve had the previous night, how long before your practice you took food, if you have any injuries, if you are stressed and finally the type of yoga practice you are doing. In case any of these factors are not in your favor, you may feel tired or even nauseous. If you continue to feel weak or dizzy, I would strongly recommend that you reach out to your doctor.

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Wrap Up

Yoga is an excellent form of physical exercise which helps you in reducing fats or treats insomnia, eating disorders, and other critical illnesses. Well, the feelings always vary from one individual to another individual after attending a yoga session. 

Well, in the beginning, you may have pain in your muscles, soreness, or lower back pain. But once you practice the yoga exercises regularly, your body will be acquainted, and you will feel relaxed and energetic. So give some time to your body.

I hope you liked this article and please don’t forget to share your suggestions for this article.

Happy Yoga!